Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Internet

As proven from my previous blogs, I am really bad about keeping up on the internet. I feel like an old lady trying to keep up with the young kids. I'm only 27!

I rarely write on here. It's either because I don't have the time or I just completely forget about it. I know that everyone is on Facebook and I should probably sign on, but I have ressited so far. I figure eventually it has to just go away...kind of like MySpace did. I am on MySpace, but no one is even on there anymore. I barely have time anymore to pick up a phone and speak to someone, therefore take the time to write and interact online.

My best form of communication is through my work email and that is only because I am constantly on that. I sound so pathetic right now. The big debate...should I or shouldn't I sign up for Facebook... I probably won't do it.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Moving in with the boyfriend

I am officially moving in with my boyfriend, scary! But exciting!

I was so busy at work last week and my boyfriend decided to go look at an apartment without me. We had already looked at an apartment by the same management company so I trusted him to look at this one on his own. He ended up liking it and called me and said he wanted to take it. I told him "go ahead."

After all of the credit checks and everything else that is involved with getting a NYC apartment, we signed the lease yesterday. I finally got to see it yesterday and I really like it! It's a great apartment and I think that we are going to be really happy there. It has a dishwasher and a breakfast bar, and it's really nice.

I feel bad because the boyfriend was so excited about finding the place and moving in with me and I felt like I couldn't get into moving in with him without seeing it. He went around last weekend telling everyone that we had put an application in to get an apartment. He was hopping around like a little kid. I felt so bad that I couldn't share in the joy with him. Now I can! I am really happy and can't wait to move in together. I'm excited and anxious to just get in there and decorate (with little suprts of pink!)

I am dreading the moving part. I don't have a lot to move but it still is horrible just thinking about. I kind of just want to move my stuff and let the boyfriend move his own stuff, but I know that's mean. I just feel like it's his own stuff and not mine. I'm hoping that it will be different after we move in together and get our own stuff to decorate. I really want everything to be "ours."

Monday, July 28, 2008

Apartment Time!

We got an apartment! It is such a relief to know where I will be living. There is so much to do, but I can handle it because I am doing it with someone else. I can't believe I'm moving in with a boy! It's so scary and so exciting at the same time.

I am going to sign my lease on Wednesday and I still have not seen it. It is crazy that I am going to be moving into a place that I have never seen. I must really trust and love my boyfriend. I'm sure it's a wonderful place.

I can't wait to go shopping and buy new things. I think that may be the most exciting part!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I keep forgetting about this bog. I have plenty of time to write at work and never keep up with it. As a writer, I am ashamed of myself.

Danny is taking his last (hopefully!) test for the CPA. I cannot tell you how long this has taken. It has been practically our whole relationship and it is very stressful, for both of us. He is so grumpy and not fun when he is studying. I understand that he is working really hard and I truley feel bad that he has to work full-time and then study for hours, but it is annoying! I can't remember the last time we actually had a weekend to ourselves. Possibly the cruise?

I am actually looking forward to doing something fun and not stressful this weekend. I have felt so stressed for a long time, in part due to the boyfriend ;-) I need time to just relax and have fun. I'm counting on my lovely friends in Connecticut for that!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's Been A Long Time

Wow, it has been a very long time since I have written on here, but thought it was needed. These past couple of weeks have been very hard for me. I have been thinking way too much and not coming up with good answers or resolutions. I feel like I still have a lot to figure out and thinking about it just makes it worse.

I am so lucky to have this great guy in my life. He has been the glue that is holding me together and I am so grateful for that. I just hope he knows how much I truly appreciate him. Love you Pokey!!